Tentang Saya

Kulonuwon :) My name is Pebri Nurhayati, my highschool friends ussualy called me eri (like as man! :D ), nah if now in college my friends called me a call when  i was a kids ; ebi :D 

I’m a bachelor of Geography Education in Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Indonesia (graduated last December 2014). I enjoy traveling , reading inspirational books, newspapers, bicycle, writing,  watch the inspiring story and tv shows, making new friends, listening to my favourite songs, learning foreign languages and cultures, enjoy culinary food, and do not miss the adventure with nature because I’m Geographer. haha

I have huge passion on environment! : D. I’m a bachelor of Geography Education Yogyakarta State University care environment and dreaming being minister for the environment, environmental due in protect It should be kept. I was the originator of the idea of gathering Laskar Pejuang Lingkungan Hidup UNY taking and socialization to all civitas academic and people around to love and care for the environment. I love books terrestrial, hydrological, and environmental. Of the books I read, I could find and gain knowledge about the environment. I also love to read motivation and nature and forestry books.
music# If asked I will answer maher zain music, maher zain music so much music that inspire and motivate to me.

one more musical again is SEAMO Mother it’s my soul and give me spirit within reach of the future.  movie#I really liked the movie that contains inspiring stories and tell you a fact. until finally the film is able to make me cry :) .
In my opinion, I could be cheerful and talkative when it’s very interesting to me. I really like the lecture and question and answer, high spirits and curiosity, self-motivated, and always optimistic. that’s why I like to get involved in a variety of activities inside and outside the campus. Until now, I am still developing my neighborhood following the journalistic activities and caring environment.
I have motivation if not us who else, if not from now when again
I have a dream, one day I can travel around the world ranging from Indonesia to the world and until world. I was able to perform the pilgrimage with parents and mybrother. I was able to continue education abroad and be able to work with an international scale. I have a garden and park conservation. I’m dreaming to be a world-traveler and to be the environment minister of the Republic Indonesia. #amin yarabbal’alamin :)

If you wanna know me more, please add my social account :
Facebook and YM : erisplaf@ymail.com
twitter : @pebrinurhayati
Email : pebrinurhayati@ymail.com
Pebri Nurhayati

1 komentar:

  1. Sayangnya sy g' bsa ngrti bhsa Inggris...heheh...tp sy dah follow blog ni, followback ya....
